Enhance Your Performance and Well-Being

Movement Enthusiast, Athlete, or Wellness Seeker?

Join Marylene Henry for a transformative one-day workshop on August 31st. Discover the biomechanics of breathing and movement, improve posture, manage pain, and boost athletic performance. Gain life-long resilience and capacity through expert-guided breathwork.

The Breathwork Singapore Training Academy exists to promote greater awareness and understanding of the human breath. In-person embodiment and rigorous science are the hallmarks of our unique approach in the nascent field of breathwork.

We are a multidisciplinary team that uses breath awareness as a lens and a tool to better meet the moments and stressors of life.

The Academy draws upon the ground-breaking approaches developed at Breathwork Bali, a renowned hub for breathwork education. Since 2018, Breathwork Bali has conducted several 400-hour, in-person training courses for 70 practitioners who have shared the work with clients across Asia, North America, Europe, and Australia. The team includes a wide range of expertise with professional backgrounds in business, coaching, medicine, mental health, music, and physiotherapy.